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I’m interested in tips as well, as I’m just starting into my private practice. I’m a psychologist, virtual practice, self-pay.
Here are my questions:
1. What ICD diagnoses are people using? I’m not sure if as a psychologist I should be listing the symptom/condition as the diagnosis (eg IBS, tinnitus, headache, chronic pain) or using something like “pain related to psychological factors” or Functional Neurologic Disorder (but would something like IBS count as a neurologic disorder?)
2. I asked in an earlier post for some guidance on marketing materials I can share with local medical providers, therapists, and clients, as Alicia said they’d work on some 🙂 So when these materials are finished I want to take them around to local primary care and pain clinics and send them around the state to colleagues.
3. I’m not sure how physicians licensing work, but I’m wondering if there are physicians doing this work with whom I can collaborate when needed? I’m licensed in Nebraska and Tennessee so can only see patients from those states, and TN is tricky for the moment because I’m trying to figure out how to register as a foreign LLC without having a physical address in TN. Can other medical providers see people from out of state for a collaborative relationship?
4. I was just thinking of another question yesterday and considering putting it here on the forum but wouldn’t you know it I’ve forgotten (so expect it to come later).
Here are my tips so far:
1. I’m using SimplePractice (simplepractice.com) for my EHR. It allows for completely paperless intake. I was able to custom build Howard’s intake form (with my own professional-specific tweaks), my informed consent docs, etc. and I can send out the Body Map as a PDF for clients to print, complete, and upload via scan or from their phones into the app. It’s got telehealth capabilities built right in, sends invoices, takes electronic payments, provides a professional website space with super easy build process (I did mine in like 10 minutes), the whole shebang (except e-prescribing) from what I can see so far (so not sure if it’ll be helpful in your professoin. It also provides marketing through Monarch, which is customizable as well. It seems pretty user friendly and has a ton of demonstration videos and provides an onboarding video chat with support specialists. If you want to check out my website (for anyone who wants to provide feedback) you can see it here: https://thegoodlife.clientsecure.me
2. I’m planning to get myself on the PRT directory (I’m certified through the Pain Psychology Center), Psychology Today, Psychologist Connect/The National Register, and (eventually?) the PPD Association when it gets revamped.
3. I looked into health coaching so I could see people from other states but my professional liability insurance said if you’re licensed as a psychologist and any “coaching” you do even reeks of psychotherapy and I get a board complaint from a coaching client, it won’t matter if I call it coaching, it’ll be treated like psychotherapy, and I can get in trouble, so I opted to avoid coaching and just stick with psychotherapy.
4. My state university law school has an entrepreneurship clinic for law students in their last semester to provide free legal services to small business start ups. I was accepted to the program and they did the research for my LLC registration and practice policies to make sure they were legal, so you can check with your area law schools to see if they offer something similar? If not, we were recommended to use BizFilings.com for all of the legal assistance.
5. I used looka.com to create my business logo for free then purchased the rights when I got it the way I wanted it
6. I used VistaPrint for my business cards and got a 20% off discount with the code QUICKSPROUT20 (from this review article: https://www.quicksprout.com/best-business-card-printing/)