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Celis-Aguilar, E., et al. (2022). “Effectiveness of Brandt Daroff, Semont and Epley maneuvers in the treatment of Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo: A Randomized Controlled Clinical Trial.” Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 74(3): 314-321.
The aim was to compare the effectiveness of Brandt-Daroff, Semont and Epley maneuver in BPPV resolution. A Single Blind RCT in a Secondary Care Center was performed. Inclusion criteria were: patients with unilateral rotatory nystagmus on Dix-Hallpike Maneuver (DHM). Exclusion criteria: other causes of peripheral or central vertigo. Patients were randomized into 4 groups: Brandt-Daroff, “sham”, Semont and Epley. Patients underwent allocation, 1st visit (at 1 week with reprise of original maneuver if persistent nystagmus) and 2nd visit (2 to 4 weeks) with repetitions of both DHM and DHI. Main Outcome Measures: Absence of nystagmus on DHM at 1st and 2nd visit evaluations and DHI score. Resolution was defined as the abscence of nystagmus. We included 34 patients (25 females, 9 males). Patients were randomized to Brandt-Daroff (n = 9), “sham” (n = 7), Semont (n = 9) and Epley (n = 9) group. Overall mean age was 59.85 years (SD +/- 13.10). A total of 47.06% patients (n = 16) had negative DHM at 1st visit. Resolution for Brandt-Daroff was 22.22%, “sham” 28.57%, Semont 44.44% and Epley 88.88% (p = 0.024); at 2nd visit follow up, Epley achieved 100% resolution (other maneuvers: 42.86%, 16.67%, 44.44%, respectively. P = 0.006). The DHI improvement at 2nd visit for Brandt-Daroff was 21.17 points, “sham” 8.05, Semont 14.67 and Epley 61.78 (p = 0.001). Epley maneuver was superior to Brandt Daroff, “sham” and Semont maneuvers on nystagmus resolution and DHI improvement in patients with BPPV.